Werkman Den Haag Odoo versie 14.0

Informatie over de Werkman Den Haag instantie van Odoo, de Open Source ERP.

Geïnstalleerde applicaties

Odoo 14 Accounting
Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget For Odoo14 Community Edition
Van offerte tot facturen
Facturen & Betalingen
Enterprise website bouwer
Beheer uw voorraad en logistieke activiteiten
Inkooporders, aanbestedingen en overeenkomsten
Verkoop uw producten online
Time Off
Allocate time off and follow time off requests
Centralize employee information
Klant geschiedenis
Geschiedenis van klant en verkooporders.
Hide prices for public users
Hide prices for all products from specific website for public user configurable
Import Image from URL and Local System Path
This module will import image from URL as well as from local system file path.
Sale Order Line Notes
Sale Order Line Notes.
Backmate Configuration Base
Backmate Backend Theme, fully functional Backend Theme, flexible Backend Theme, fast Backend Theme, lightweight Backend Theme, animated Backend Theme, modern multipurpose theme Odoo
Product Image from URL
Product Image URL App, Manage Picture Url Module, Upload Pic From URL, Put Product Image URL Module, Manage Product Picture From URL, Upload Goods Photograph From URL odoo
Website Category Page
Shop Category page, Category page, E-commerce Category page, Odoo Category Page, Website Category page,ecommerce Category page, website categories, category page on shop Odoo
Chat, mail gateway en privé kanalen
Centraliseer uw adresboek
Schedule employees' meetings
Buckaroo betaalprovider
Betalingsverwerker Buckaroo implementatie